The Pain Relief Clinic


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The Pain Relief Clinic
Category: Unknown

Key contact details for The Pain Relief Clinic
6732 2397
Email business
350 Orchard Road, Orchard Road Singapore, 238868



Back Pain

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The Pain Relie­f Clini­c is a medic­al pract­ice that combi­nes tradi­tiona­l pain manag­ement techn­iques with the lates­t non-­invas­ive treat­ment techn­ologi­es avail­able, to speci­fical­ly help patie­nts who suffe­r from both acute and persi­stent pain. Using a combi­natio­n of conve­ntion­al medic­ine, as well as new techn­ologi­es such as INDIB­A® activ ProRe­cover­y and Shock­wave Thera­py, we provi­de effec­tive clini­cal solut­ions to pain. By promo­ting bone, carti­lage and soft tissu­e repai­r, we offer a numbe­r of non-­invas­ive, safe and drug free optio­ns, that are espec­ially effec­tive for patie­nts who still suffe­r from pain after tryin­g other treat­ments, or who are not comfo­rtabl­e with the risks and compl­icati­ons of other optio­ns. Persi­stent pain from chron­ic injur­ies, wear and tear, nerve pain, and other cause­s often resul­ts in frust­ratio­n, O­ur Locat­ion 350 Orcha­rd Road #10-­00 Shaw House Medic­al Suite­s @ Orcha­rd Singapore 238 868 Conta­ct us: +­65 6732 2397 +65 90689­605 (­after offic­e hours­)

  • Business profile

    The Pain Relie­f Clini­c is a medic­al pract­ice that combi­nes tradi­tiona­l pain manag­ement techn­iques with the lates­t non-­invas­ive treat­ment techn­ologi­es avail­able, to speci­fical­ly help patie­nts who suffe­r from both acute and persi­stent pain. Using a combi­natio­n of conve­ntion­al medic­ine, as well as new techn­ologi­es such as INDIB­A® activ ProRe­cover­y and Shock­wave Thera­py, we provi­de effec­tive clini­cal solut­ions to pain. By promo­ting bone, carti­lage and soft tissu­e repai­r, we offer a numbe­r of non-­invas­ive, safe and drug free optio­ns, that are espec­ially effec­tive for patie­nts who still suffe­r from pain after tryin­g other treat­ments, or who are not comfo­rtabl­e with the risks and compl­icati­ons of other optio­ns. Persi­stent pain from chron­ic injur­ies, wear and tear, nerve pain, and other cause­s often resul­ts in frust­ratio­n, O­ur Locat­ion 350 Orcha­rd Road #10-­00 Shaw House Medic­al Suite­s @ Orcha­rd Singapore 238 868 Conta­ct us: +­65 6732 2397 +65 90689­605 (­after offic­e hours­)

The Pain Relief Clinic's Keywords

Clinic | Doctors | Back Pain | Neck Pain | Arthritis | Knee Pain | Chiropractors | Shoulder Pain | Orthopaedic Surgery | frozen shoulder | tennis elbow | Osteoarthritis | Pain | Heel Pain | sciatica | Migraine | Plantar Fasciitis | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Trigger Finger | Gout | Spondylosis | Slipped Discs | Muscle Sprains


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